
Making films against the plot

registration at :
*limited # of participants*
Priority given to women, trans and non-binary persons
@ Room 9, Hardenbergstrasse 33, 10623

In the first years of the history of filmmaking, editing was a task delegated to women, because it was considered a technical process which required patience and ability with hands. Since the montage was recognized as an intellectual work and fundamental to the construction of a narrative, men dominated this field as well, intensifying male modes of production in Film.

In this workshop we will look into the history of filmmaking under feminist perspectives, while focus in the film editing. We will investigate and discuss together approaches and strategies of creating narrative and narrativity, which shift terms of patriarchal representation.

With a glimpse into editing theory, notions of time, space and rhythm in filmmaking we will do some imagination exercises and with the use of found footage we will work together to construct a narrative „against the plot that frames woman as narrative image, object, and ground of cinematic representation.“ (De Lauretis, 1987)

Alice Dalgalarrondo (1985) is a multimedia artist, editor and filmmaker from Brazil living in Berlin. She holds a bachelor of Media Studies from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and a postgraduate degree in Art and Media from the University of Arts (UdK), Berlin. From 2015 to 2017 she was a DAAD-Scholarship holder and 2018 she got the Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium des landes Berlin. In her works she analyses and interprets media and social phenomena by building imaginary spaces and temporalities. Her last works were exhibited at Kasseler Dokfest 2015 – Kassel, Transmediale – Berlin, Museum für Fotografie – Berlin, Oberhausen Short Film Festival 2017 and at Transacciones Informales Festival – Bogotá.