Freie Klasse

Freieklasse is an open platform for study and critical organizing – dreaming of non – hierarchical teaching and accessible learning spaces where we host regular workshops and lectures, organised by students working at Interflugs, and we are always open for suggestions and collaboration. 

Workshops interweave interdisciplinary strands such as providing access to technological knowledge (how to break it down DIY styles and make accessible using a camera, recording sound, or editing ) whilst also offering workshops that propose modes of being that resist the patriarchy, racism, ableism, capitalism, colonialism across the fine arts, music, architecture, design, film, performance and dance.

The CAAT talks (collective artist activist talks) are short lectures and discussions with ppl we are excited to learn and think with.  Most talks are accessible online.  

Please note that during the Covid-19 regulations, we regenerated the Fakultaetnull platform as an online structure to provide access to the whole Freieklasse events online You can reach the program and some of the past events records here:

All events are free of charge and open for everyone.  Please check specific events as some are centered towards marginalized communities. 


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