
UNIversity, not UNIform

Dear UdK Students and friends,

Although it doesn’t appear in the event calendar of the University, We have realized that on June 18th 2017 the concert hall of the UdK is hosting The Summer Concert from the series “Uniform in Concert” organized by Charity Club Berlin e.V. in which the Stabsmusikkorps of the Bundeswher conducted by lieutenant colonel Rinhard Kiauka will perform.

AstA, Commomn Ground and interflugs demand that the concert of the Stabsmusikkorps is cancelled and the terms of use and the rental policises of the concert hall are changed in a way that further performances by the representatives of the Bundeswehr in the future are foreclosed.

AstA & Common Ground & UdKWe students stand for peace. We want to be able to say that our university stands for the same values with determination and commitment.

Come to support us on Sunday 18.06.17 from 10:00 am in front of the concert hall of the UdK.

Our university belongs to us! We will not be militarized! No place for Bundeswehr!

for further questions, please contact:

Our open letter:

Dear members of UdK,

although it doesn’t appear in the event calendar of the university, we have realized that on June 18th 2017 the concert hall of the UdK is hosting The Summer Concert from the series “Uniform in Concert” organized by Charity Club Berlin e.V. in which the Stabsmusikkorps of the Bundeswher conducted by lieutenant colonel Rinhard Kiauka will perform.

In a letter written collectively by AStA, Common Ground and Interflugs we demanded the cancellation of the concert. In the reply we received from the Dean of the music faculty, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schäfertöns, it was pointed out that a contract has already been signed for the concert and also that our concerns about the Bundeswehr are unfounded. He writes that “It is not true that the Bundeswehr is involved in acts of war that displace people, it is rather engaged in efforts, in cooperation with higher-level organization (eg Nato and the EU) and their alliances to prevent displacement. (See” The university administration confirmed that they were of the same opinion as the dean.

We actually find it unnecessary to argument why there should be no place for the Bundeswehr in universities as we, historically conscious, cofident and peace loving students are aware of the destructive influence of the Bundeswehr in the world, from the near east to Africa to Asia and refuse to be part of this violence.

The UdK advertises itself with diverse projects that facilitate the entrance of people with refugee background to the university. To give the representatives of the Bundeswehr space at the same time is a grave contradiction.

It is written on the web page of UdK that the university distances itself from cooperation with tobacco and defense industries for ethical reasons. The close ties between the Bundeswehr and the defense industry are undeniable, therefore we ask how could the same concerns not apply to cooperation with the Bundeswehr.

AStA, Common Ground and Interflugs demand that concert of the Stabsmusikkorps is cancelled and the terms of use and the rental policy of the concert hall are changed in a way that further performances by the representatives of the Bundeswehr in the future are foreclosed.

We students stand against militarization and for peace. We want to be able to say that our university stands for the same values with determination and commitment.

Come to our support on Sunday 18.06.17 from 10:00 am in front of the concert hall of the UdK.

Our university belongs to us! We will not be militarized! No place for Bundeswehr!

AStA & Common Ground & Interflugs